FORT STEWART, Ga. – The Savannah-based 1st Battalion, 118th Field Artillery Regiment “cased” their unit colors in Fort Stewart Dec. 12 in a symbolic ceremony before mobilizing overseas.
The 1-118th FAR’s upcoming planned deployment will support operations in the U.S. Central Command area of responsibility.
“We are incredibly proud of the Soldiers who have volunteered to tackle this challenging mission,” said Lt. Col Russell Dasher, 1-118th FAR battalion commander. “We are honored to serve with them all.”
The unit has prepared and developed leaders for this challenging mission for several years through individual weapon systems qualification and large-scale training exercises domestically and abroad. The learning curve will increase as Soldiers of the unit now work to become proficient with air defense artillery weapon systems.
“Over the coming 12 months, the 1-118th FAR will conduct in-depth training in counter rocket artillery mortar and counter unmanned aircraft systems,” said Sgt. Maj. Christopher Poole, 1-118th FAR battalion command sergeant major.
The Soldiers’ families and employers have supported them throughout the battery of training requirements and preparations.
“We thank our family, friends and employers for the overwhelming support we have received as we go forward to complete our mission,” said Poole.
Members of the 1-118th Field Artillery Regiment have answered the call to service as far as the late 1700s. They have activated in response to World War I, World War II and, in recent decades, multiple times to Iraq and Afghanistan.
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